
Posts Tagged ‘Jack Russell’

Do you ever write Pros and Cons lists when trying to make a decision?  Being a big fan of lists I typically will write out the pros and cons, being stubborn I usually do what I want to regardless of which list is longer. 

Then when people (my parents) accuse me of being stubborn and not thinking things through I can show them that I carefully weighted my options and oddly enough the outcome I wanted won.

I like to think of myself as optimistic, however I can usually come up with more cons than pros.  But then again, life isn’t as fun if you don’t take risks. 

The cons to buying a condo out weighted the pros, yet I still did it. 

The cons of having ice cream for dinner out weight the pros, yet it’s a summer dinner staple.

And now that I have the condo, I want to get a roommate…of the canine variety.   

The number of cons of getting a dog is greater than the number of pros.  Dogs can be expensive, require lots of attention, require lots of care, they can ruin furniture/shoes/everything, you have to take them out when it’s raining, snowing or your hungover and don’t want to leave your bed.  I wouldn’t be able to go out directly after work I’ll have to go home first to bring the pup out and feed them.  I’d need to make sure there was someone to watch them it I wanted to go away for the weekend.

Plus, there’s a good chance this little guy will be less than impressed with another dog in the family. 

The pros: I’d have a constant running partner, If I don’t feel like going out I can say the dog isn’t feeling well instead of saying I don’t feel well (kidding!), I wouldn’t wear work clothes out as much.  I’d be able to give a dog a loving and stable home. 

While most of my cons are legit, some of them are selfish, however I’m afraid that me getting a dog just because I want one is selfish.  I work long hours, the dog unfortunately will be alone most of this time (I would have a dog walker come a couple of times a week).  I often go out after work or on weekends, not all of these places are dog friendly.  I do not have any outdoor space of my own, but there is a dog park across the street from my place. 

I’m torn.  I would love to have a dog, but I’m scared I won’t be able to give it enough time.  I have no problem switching around my schedule for a dog or going to a different bar because they have “Yappy Hour” but I’m afraid it won’t be enough.  

Of course this fear hasn’t stopped me from looking…

While dog sitting for a friend recently I met a couple at the dog park with a Black and Tan Coonhound. I really liked the size and temperament of the breed so I did some more research  I found one that I thought would be a good fit on www.petfinder.com but unfortunately (for me) she was already adopted.

I’ve been focusing on dogs that are 1 to 2 years old, getting a puppy would be nice, but I’m afraid I won’t have time to train them.  I’m also hoping that by getting a dog this age they’ll already be house trained and maybe even know how to sit.

Plus I don’t find myself in a situation like Emily did with Clifford, if they’re a year or two old they’ll be full-grown.

So that’s my dog dilemma. 

Do you have a dog or really want one?  What breed?  What pros and cons did you consider before bringing them home or deciding that now wasn’t the time for a dog?

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